Mapping The Wild
“Mapping the Wild,” is a mixed-media installation based on our research and observation on the habitats, maintenance and restoration of five threatened &/or recovered animals living in the Point Reyes National Seashore. The project focuses on the Point Reyes Mountain Beaver, Tricolored Blackbird, Elephant Seal, River Otter, and Snowy Plover, which are currently under observation and or protection by the Park Service of Point Reyes National Seashore. Our project investigates various aspects of the animals’ lives, and of park personnel and citizen scientists’ work, as seasonal and climate changes affect the environment.
“Mapping the Wild: Journal Pages,” began as the paradigm for an artwork component of our overall project, which is now in progress. This work developed into a study of its own, as pages of a daily journal, composed as a 2-dimensional book, each page presenting a different Interpretation of shared subject matter, created in layers of printed, painted, and stained images on canvas.